Wednesday, September 13, 2006


There have been more official protests over the appointment of Henshaw to the £40,000-a-year post as Chairman of the North West Regional Strategic Health Authority.
Gordon Prentice, Labour MP for Pendle, (pictured left) has wrung the highly unusual admission from Health Minister Rosie Winterton that four official complaints about the appointment have been received by the Health Appointments Commission.
Already 25 North West MP's, including several Government Ministers, have signed a letter of protest about the blackmailer Henshaw being rewarded with even more public money! And to her great credit, Liverpool Wavertree MP Jane Kennedy (above right) resigned as a Health Minister in protest at greedy Henshaw getting the job. We are reliably informed that Mr Prentice will not be leaving it at that and will be pursuing the appointment further. Good for him. It seems that 'the problem with Henshaw' is just not going away.

This post first appeared on the now legendary It has been reproduced here by kind permission of Tony Parrish Productions (c). We are eternally grateful to him. Below are the original comments made...


Matt said...

Restores my faith in politicians!!!!

Saturday, July 08, 2006
Angel said...

This one went right up to Number 10 - it was an unnamed 'special adviser' there who rung the 'Independent' (sic) Appointments Commission to overrule the (then) Minister's objections to King Rat's appointment.

I would dearly love to know more about this special relationship between Dodgy Dave and Phoney Tony.

Two city academies and one shopping centre for a Duke = One knighthood and a grand a day from the CSA?

Also it seems immunity from prosecution. Maybe Blair has to have his collar felt before the Cabal do? Ho hum won't be long now!

Monday, July 24, 2006
Tony Parrish said...

I have asked a series of Freedom of Information questions about this. And am still waiting for the answers!!!!
I want to identify the adviser - Jane, can you help?


Anonymous said...

Readers will not be surprised to learn that Henshaw's house journal, the North West Enquirer has launched a particularly nasty little attack on Matt Finnegan, the week after he resigned as Liverpool city council's media chief. Under cover of a pen name, Daily Post columnist Lew Baxter has predictably had some freelance fun trying to kick Finnegan. No doubt Baxter's hatchet job, which seems to get most things understandably wrong, was ordered by a gleeful Sir Diddy, who is of course, a non-executive Director of the Enquirer. Oh and former BBC journalist Jim Hancock, whose investigative talents were successfully still during Henshaw's attempted coup is also another of Sir Diddy's new recruits to the Enquirer. Thought you should know.

Anonymous said...

Lew Baxter got a couple of grand out of Henshaw from the city council for a book he was doing about Liverpool. Maybe that's why Baxter is happy to do Napoloeon's bidding, eh?