Wednesday, April 11, 2007


The Prime Minister IS being asked to sack Sir David Henshaw as Chair of the North West Regional Health Authority.
And here is the proof....

From : 10 Downing Street
Sent : 11 April 2007 15:14:46

To :
Subject : Your petition t
o the Prime Minister has been approved

Your petition has been approved by the Number 10 web team, and is now available on the Number 10 website at the following address:

Your pe
tition reads:

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to remove Sir David Henshaw as Chair of the North West Strategic Regional Health Authority

Thanks for submitting your petition.

-- the ePetitions team----

Thank YOU, Tony, (pictured above, with halo and describing what he would like to do with Henshaw's balls, ed)
So our last post got it wrong (alright, that's enough humble pie, ed) - there now exists a very public Number 10 petition calling for Henshaw to be sacked.
And you have t
he next six months to sign it! Click on this link PETITION TO GET RID OF HENSHAW
We are under no illusions about what will happen when the petition closes in October.
Prime Minister Brown/Miliband's cards have already been well and truly marked about Sir Diddy thanks to some excellent briefing by Labour MPs,.
However, he will nevertheless publically say he can't interfere and Henshaw's appointment was made by some mysterious non-political cabal of the great and the good.
The new PM might even splutter that Sir Diddy is an upstanding public servant - we have come to expect that sort of ill-informed and misplaced judgement from politicians who should know better (Work and Pensions Secretary John Hutton, MP, for example, ed)
And greedy Sir Diddy will continue to live richly off the public money he has stolen.

So if nothing will happen to greedy Sir Diddy, why have we posted this petition on the Number 10 web site?
To expose Henshaw to as big an audience as possible.
To make him squirm with humiliation, irritation and embarrassment.
And to ensure that he now knows he cannot get away with treating people the way he did in Liverpool, without personal repercussions on his own head (which will continue, ed)
It is this public exposure to his peers which hurts Henshaw most.
It doesn't matter whether just one person or one hundred sign the petition (but we would like as many people as possible to do so, ed).
The very fact that the petition exists on the Downing Street web site is enough to damage Henshaw.
Enough to make him think twice in future.
Enough to strike a blow for truth, justice and democracy.

And enough to bring another moral victory for the legendary Tony Parrish.
(Now, what are we gonna do about that bastard, McElhinney? ed)

Sir David Henshaw
Dr David McElhinney


Anonymous said...

What an absolutely fantastic stunt, Tony! You deserve some kind of award for this. What tremendous fun!!!! Sign up, sign up.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Tony I shall get my quill

Anonymous said...

I agree. A fantastic idea!

Anonymous said...

Hey Tony do you think Councillor Storey will sign the petition?

Tony Parrish47 said...

I wouldn't have thought he has got the bottle (as in so much else...)

Anonymous said...


the man was thoroughly unethical in his role as chief exec and in my view unfit to deal with any position which demands political neutrality or personal ethics

Anonymous said...

what about bradley?

Anonymous said...

He's as useless as Storey

Tori Blare said...

What about a petition to ask the PM for a full public enquiry into just how Liverpool City Council are £29 million in arrears yet can pay a private company for services the council already owns, i.e. Liverpool Direct Limited?

Anonymous said...

Good on you Steve Radford, you have bigger b***s than the rest of the councillors!

Come on the rest of Liverpool City Councillors, come on Liverpool MP's???


Anonymous said...

Yeah well said indeed Steve Radford. The smarmy wee one imposed ten years of first rate municipal vandalism on Liverpool, as Jane Kennedy rightly said.

Having him in charge of the NW NHS now is downright scary.

By the way, how come Bradley's proved such little use in shutting down the cabal? Is he one of them?

Tori Blare said...

Be aware not all the signatories are getting on the sack henshaw petition!
I know a few people who have signed up yet they don't appear on the list and some have not had the confirmation email?
Call me suspicious but I am!

Tony Parrish47 said...

Kennylad - Bradley is too busy putting out fires in his own group. The truth is I think, tho, he is weak and ineffective and unable to take on Cover Up, Hasitall etc, etc. A bit like Storey, really. which is why a change is needed....

Tony Parrish47 said...

Tori, yes i know - there are problems with the site. Keep persevering or email them? Hope it doesn't deter other signa-Toris...

Anonymous said...

This is the funniest thing....well done