Sunday, April 08, 2007


OUTGOING Prime Minister Tony Blair is being asked to approve a Downing Street petition calling for Sir David Henshaw to be removed as Chair of the North West Regional Strategic Health Authority.
But don't hold your breath that TB will suddenly see the light about Sir Diddy, as he departs at the end of his 10-year rule at No 10.
So far the hard-pressed e-petitions team at Number 10 have already rejected three separate anti-Henshaw petitions.
The excuses for rejection offered by the Civil Service mandarins (all colleagues of Sir Diddy of course, ed) who administer the petitions web site have grown steadily more absurd and preposterous.
It seems they are intent on protecting one of their own.
Why is Sir Diddy, who pockets £40,000 a year in public money for being Chair of the RHA, so protected?
Why cannot he be critiscised, face a public call for his dismissal, or be held to account (even by Number 10)?
So much for democracy in our National Health Service.
We expect to hear very shortly that Attempt No 4 to petition the Prime Minister to dismiss Henshaw has also been rejected.
In the meantime, you can have a look at the three previous attempts to expose Henshaw as an evil blackmailer... Attempt Number 1 came with this petition to Number 1o:

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to: 'remove Sir David Henshaw as Chair of the North West Strategic Health Authority' in the light of statements made by councillors in Liverpool and reports on a number of blogs, including the Henshaw and the Evil Cabal blog, we consider Sir David Henshaw to be unfit as a public servant to be left in charge of the region's health service. (seems a perfectly fair petition to me and would, no doubt, have got considerable public support, ed)
And this was the eventual response from No 10:


I'm sorry to inform you that your petition has been rejected. Your petition was classed as being in the following categories:

* Potentially libellous, false, or defamatory statements

Presumably the bureaucrats believe it is "potentially libellous" to say that Sir David Henshaw is unfit to be in charge of the region's health service. This of course, ignores the views of 20 MP's, including the chair of the Labour Party, Hazel Blears MP and former Health Minister Jane Kennedy, MP, who said exactly the same and publicly protested about Henshaw's appointment.

Attempt No 2:

The petition was edited and re-submitted as follows:

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to: 'remove Sir David Henshaw as Chair of the North West Strategic Health Authority' In the light of statements made by councillors and officials in Liverpool and reports on a number of blogs, including the Henshaw and the Evil Cabal blog (perfectly factual account, ed)

But this was the response from No 10:


I'm sorry to inform you that your petition has been rejected again.

Your petition was classed as being in the following categories:

* Potentially libellous, false, or defamatory statements

So it looks as though, in our great democracy, you cannot now even make reference to statements made by senior councillors about Henshaw's blackmail and attempted coup d'etat!Notice how no details of these were even given in the petition, but it was still rejected by Number 10.

So here was Attempt Number 3

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to: 'remove Sir David Henshaw as Chair of the North West Strategic Regional Health Authority' because his previous behaviour as chief executive of Liverpool city council makes us fear for the future of our Health Service (perfectly understandable point of view, ed)

But this was the response from the mandarins at Number 10:


I'm sorry to inform you that your petition has been rejected.

Your petition was classed as being in the following categories:

* The names of individual officials of public bodies, unless
they are part of the senior management of those organisations

* Language which is offensive, intemperate, or provocative

Now they appear to have decided that we can't even name Sir Diddy, nor say anything at all about Sir Diddy, even though he is being paid as a public servant on a public body. (And they don't like the fact that we fear for our Health Service either, ed).

Anyway this is Attempt No 4:

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to: 'remove Sir David Henshaw as Chair of the North West Strategic Regional Health Authority'. (simple and to the point, ed)

Presumably they will reject that as well, because it refers, outrageously, to Sir Diddy by name. (Perhaps we should go for the record of having the most petitions rejected by Number 10? ed)

Sir David Henshaw


Anonymous said...

A tale of two Tony's. Parrish and Blair. Once all conquering and powerful. Now, no-one listens. No matter how loud they shout. Reduced to a side-show. A circus. Both desperate to show they still have influence, but soon to be nothing but history.

Anonymous said...

I don't know when Tony Parrish was all conquering and all powerful - it seemed far too easy for the council and the cabalists to ignore him. But at least you are still paying enough attention at 11.36 pm to feel motivated enough to post a comment...

Anonymous said...

They are still desperate for you to go away Tony! (Parrish, not Blair!!)

Anonymous said...

It sounds to me like a classic Henshaw comment - arrogant, lofty, and fundamentally bogus. There is no comparison between the two - apart from the first name. But it was just this kind of vacuous bullshit that Henshaw promulgated at every opportunity - until he was found out. And he's the only anorak who is up at 11.36 surfing the web on an Easter Sunday.

Tori Blare said...

We the undersigned demand that the so called prime minister fucks off and lets someone with some integrity run the country, this will entail taking Diddyman and the mini me that has been created sometimes known as coverup.
Ban all rottweillers and only allow guide dogs to run Cities.
Take it all off hasitall and close the cole mine.

Anonymous said...

The picture you have of Tony Blair and co, looks like some scene out of resevoir dogs!
What your readers may not have noticed is Diddy is at the back biting the Scottish ones ankles!

Anonymous said...

I think you should either go for the Downing St record for rejected petitions, or we can all pass on the link to others to vote on the site here. The no votes already seem to have increased...

Anonymous said...

Two Tony's...?..Two Tony's..??

I preferred you in Professor Chucklebutty Mode Sir D

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous! Forget the two Tony's, it was the uncontrolled, grasping and self serving antics of the Two David's that forced the creation of the one that keeps you awake at night.

You are obviously still queueing to see the side show and booking ringside seats at the circus. Are you one of the Clowns? History can be both proud and shameful, which category will you and your mates go into I wonder?